Okaloosa County student claims to have gun, throws firecracker in hallway

Last Updated: March 2, 2025By

OKALOOSA COUNTY, Fla. — An Okaloosa County middle school student claimed to have a gun Thursday and then threw a firecracker in the hallway as a “joke,” according to the sheriff’s office.

It happened at Pryor Middle School. No one was hurt.

The sheriff’s office did not specify if the student will face any charges.

The Pryor Middle School principal provided this statement:

“I want to reassure you that our staff acted swiftly and effectively, immediately confirming there was no weapon and no credible threat. However, the actions of this student were deeply concerning and caused significant disruption to our school environment. Regardless of intent, such behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Both our school administration and the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office will take swift and appropriate action to convey the seriousness of such behavior to the individual responsible. We ask for your support in reinforcing with your child the importance of responsible behavior and the serious consequences of making threats, whether real or intended as a joke. Please remind your student to report any suspicious activity to our School Resource Officer or a school administrator. Thank you for your cooperation and support in helping maintain a safe learning environment for all our students.”

Additional information will be released at a later time, according to the sheriff’s office.

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