News Flash • The Walton County Commission Meeting Summary fo
The Walton County Commission Meeting Summary for March 11
The Walton County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) met in regular session on Tuesday, March 11, in DeFuniak Springs.
Among the items on the agenda, the Board recognized their latest inductees for Employee of the Quarter and Exceptional Customer Service member for the fourth quarter.Planning Assistant Linda Alford, was named the Exceptional Customer Service award recipient. Administration Technology Specialist Jeremy Rowlands was named as the Employee of the Quarter.
The BCC approved travel authorization for Commission Chair Donna Johns to Ponte Vedra, Florida, on March 12-14, 2025, to accompany Tourism Department staff for the purpose of exploring a potential PGA marketing opportunity.
Emergency Management requested approval to apply for the Hurricane Debby Hazard Mitigation grant, which was approved.
The BCC approved a request to surplus equipment from the Walton County Clerk of Circuit Court and County Comptroller.
The BCC voted to accept the nomination of Alan Baggett to the CareerSource Okaloosa/Walton (CSOW) Board of Directors.
The Commission also authorized Chair Donna Johns to sign the Infrastructure Funding Agreement between CareerSource Okaloosa Walton (CSOW) and Emerald Coast Technical College (ECTC), as well as the One-Stop Operating Budget and Infrastructure Funding Agreement between CareerSource Okaloosa Walton (CSOW) and The National Caucus and Center on Black Aging, Inc.- Senior Community Service Employment Program (NCCBA-SCSEP).
The Chair was also authorized to sign a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (COPCN) with Air Methods Corporation for Advanced and Basic Life Support Ground Services, as requested by Walton County Fire Rescue. Also approved was a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity with the County of Walton Office of Sheriff d/b/a Walton County Fire Rescue
The BCC approved and authorized the Chairto sign the 2025-2028
Interlocal Agreement with the City of DeFuniak Springs for the operation of the Life Enrichment Senior Center on College Avenue in DeFuniak Springs
The Commission authorized the Chair to sign the funding agreement from Florida Division of Emergency Management for Disaster Relief DR4828 for Hurricane Helene
The BCC approved signing a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2025 budget for unanticipated grant revenue in the amount of $5,320.82 for the Hazard Materials Analysis Grant
Chair Johns was authorized to sign a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2025 budget in the Transportation Fund in the amount of $5 million for Fiscal Year 2025 for unanticipated grant revenue in the amount of $2.5 million from Florida Department of Transportation for the Westbay Parkway (Design) Project and matching funds provided by The St. Joe Company also in the amount of $2.500.
A request was approved for the Chair to sign a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2025 budget in the State Housing Initiative Partnership Fund for unanticipated revenues in the amount of $1,381,415.
The BCC authorized the Chair to sign the 2025 – 2026 Option to Renew Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Utilization of Fair Association Property and Facilities During Emergencies and Disasters with the Walton County Fair Association renewing the Agreement for one (1) additional year, starting April 16, 2025.
The BCC approved a request utilize a portion of the remaining Fiscal Year 2025 Facilities Maintenance Machinery & Equipment funds to purchase a pressure washer and trailer in an amount not to exceed $20,000.
The BCC authorized the Chair to sign the Small Government Enterprise Agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) for Arc-GIS software with Maintenance and Support in the amount of $60,300 per year for a 3-year term to start in October 2025.
The Commission also approved reallocating $21,000 from the Fiscal Year 2025 Parks Department budget, to upgrade the planned 40 hp tractor to a 60 hp tractor.
The Commission authorized the Chair to sign the updated Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) Certification and Resolution.
The BCC approved the appointment of David Bailey as the Affected Property Owner representative, and to reappoint Chad Williams (an Affected Property Owner) and Ashley Cramer (a Design Professional) to the county Design Review Board.
Local resident Thomas Smith requested staff assistance and financial aid from Walton County to establish a Gulfview Heights Neighborhood Plan. Planning Director Mac Carpenter was asked to bring back an amendment to the Land Development Code prohibiting monster houses for the commissioners to review.
The BCC authorized Board Chair Donna Johns to sign the Triumph Gulf Coast, Inc. Grant Award Agreement for Public Safety Communications System Project No. 324, in the amount of $20,152,671.00, as requested by the Walton County Sheriff’s Office.
Ms. Johns was also authorized to sign a Change Order with RBM Contracting, Inc., for the Holiday Shores Phase 1A Pedestrian and Drainage Improvements Project, increasing the contract price by $17,155.
A request to sign a Lighting Agreement with Florida Power & Light Company for the installation of five streetlamps on Highway 98 at Goldsby Road was approved.
The Construction Bid 24-46A for the CR 183 S Cross Drain Replacement (Spears Branch) to the lowest, responsive bidder, RBM Contracting Services, LLC, was approved in the amount of $819,342.60.
A presentation by hospital officials regarding the guarantee of a letter of credit for North Walton Doctors Hospital in DeFuniak Springs. The letter of credit was to be issued as security for a loan through the US Dept of Ag. This was approved by the commissioners.
There was a request for direction regarding an agreement with the Division of Administrative Hearings (“DOAH”) to provide administrative law judges to conduct designated quasi-judicial hearings. The request included scheduling and advertising a public hearing to amend the associated ordinances. Regarding the three possible options, the commission approved advertising a Public Hearing to consider Option 3 with two other options, which would allow all quasi-judicial hearings to go to DOAH at the county level, while maintaining citizen boards for the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustments.
Commissioner Glidewell discussed the new rules for Morrison Springs, which were approved subject to permitting:
1. Allow staff to permit and construct the new entrance as proposed in the conceptual plan;
2. Fund up to $25,000 out of the District 2 office account;
3. Charge admission fees of 4 dollars per vehicle, cap admission to available parking, and exempt vehicles with boat trailers from admission fees;
4. Prohibit vehicles without boat trailers from entering the boat launching area;
5. Begin the permitting process on construction of the new boat launch area with dedicated parking
The commission authorized the Chair to sign letters to Senator Trumbull, Representative Alex Andrade, and Representative Shane Abbott regarding support for SB 1622 and HB 6043, which deals with the Customary Use of Beaches.
After discussion regarding the purchase of property on Goldsby Road for a Senior Center, the commission approved adding the parcel to the Property Acquisition list and directed Stan Sunday to begin negotiations on the Goldsby Road and Moll Drive properties.
The next meeting of the Walton County Commission will be held at the South Walton Courthouse Annex on March 25 at the Freeport Annex boardroom at 1 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
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