2025 hurricane names list | Fox Weather
How and why hurricanes get their names has evolved over the past century.
The Atlantic hurricane season starts June 1, while the Eastern Pacific hurricane season begins May 15. Both seasons end on the last day of November.
While tropical activity can happen any time of the year, less than 3% of systems have formed outside the designated seasons.
Naming lists are reused every six years, so the 2025 list is the same as the one used in 2019. However, names that are retired during a season are replaced with a new name before the list is used again.
Here’s the list of names you’ll need to know for the 2025 season for both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
The official hurricane season for the Atlantic Basin (the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico) is from June 1 to Nov. 30. As seen in the graph above, the peak of the season is Sept. 10. However, deadly hurricanes can occur anytime in the hurricane season.
What are the storm names for the 2025 Atlantic hurricane season?
The Atlantic list is made up of 21 names. In 2025, it starts with Andrea and ends with Wendy. Dexter replaces Dorian, which was retired after the 2019 season. Here’s the full list with pronunciations:
- Andrea (AN-dree uh)
- Barry (BAIR-ree)
- Chantal (shahn-TAHL)
- Dexter (DEHK-ster)
- Erin (AIR-rin)
- Fernand (fair-NAHN)
- Gabrielle (ga-bree-ELL)
- Humberto (oom-BAIR-toh)
- Imelda (ee-MEHL-dah)
- Jerry (JEHR-ee)
- Karen (KAIR-ren)
- Lorenzo (loh-REN-zoh)
- Melissa (meh-LIH-suh)
- Nestor (NES-tor)
- Olga (OAL-guh)
- Pablo (PAHB-lo)
- Rebekah (reh-BEH-kuh)
- Sebastien (sus-BASH-chuhn)
- Tanya (TAHN-yuh)
- Van (van)
- Wendy (WEN-dee)
What are the storm names for the 2025 Eastern Pacific hurricane season?
The Eastern Pacific list is made up of 24 names. In 2025, it starts with Alvin and ends with Zelda. Here’s the full list with pronunciations:
- Alvin (AL-vin)
- Barbara (BAR-bruh)
- Cosme (COS-may)
- Dalila (dah-LY-lah)
- Erick (EHR-ik)
- Flossie (FLOSS-ee)
- Gil (gill)
- Henriette (hen-ree-ETT)
- Ivo (eye-VOH)
- Juliette (jew-lee-EHT)
- Kiko (KEE-ko)
- Lorena (low-RAY-na)
- Mario (MAR-ee-o)
- Narda (NAHR-duh)
- Octave (AHK-tayv)
- Priscilla (prih-SIH-luh)
- Raymond (RAY-mund)
- Sonia (SOHN-yah)
- Tico (TEE-koh)
- Velma (VELL-muh)
- Wallis (WAHL-lis)
- Xina (ZEE-nah)
- York (york)
- Zelda (ZEL-dah)
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